While our general return and refund policies are detailed on this page, we understand you might have more specific questions. That’s why we’ve created an FAQ section to address common concerns.
Browse our FAQs below to find answers to your questions. If you don’t see what you need, no worries! Our dedicated customer service team is here to help. Reach out by email or through our live chat feature, and we’ll guide you through any issues.
Your satisfaction is our top priority. Whether you explore the FAQs or contact us directly, we’re committed to ensuring your return process is straightforward and stress-free.
We hope you are happy with your purchase. If you are not satisfied with your purchase or have an issue with a product you received, please contact us within seven days of the delivery date. Returns must be shipped within seven days from the delivery date. Items returned to us must be in new condition (new and unused) with the original packaging. When shipping a return, it is the customer’s responsibility to properly pack and ship the product. Any items returned to us that are used, damaged, missing original packaging, and/or not in new condition will not be accepted and will be discarded.
Depending on the reason for the return, the customer may be responsible for the return shipping. If you return a damaged or wrong item, you will be provided a prepaid return shipping label. If you return for any other reason(s), you will be responsible for the shipping cost. Original shipping costs are non-refundable. We will process the return within three business days after receiving it at our warehouse and inspecting the returned item(s). All refunds are processed as a store credit to Please note that reserves the right to apply a 50% restocking fee.
To return an item, please email customer service at to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number and shipping
Instructions. You will be responsible for returning and shipping unwanted items. When shipping a return, it is the customer’s responsibility to properly pack and ship the product. Any items returned to us that are used, damaged, missing the original packaging, or not in new condition will NOT be accepted and will be discarded.
We strongly recommend that you use a trackable method to mail your return. Item(s) returned are the responsibility of the customer until they are received by BLUNTD.
If you believe your product is defective, email us within seven days of delivery with the specific issue(s) you are experiencing. Defective merchandise returned to BLUNTD is inspected upon receipt. If we find that the merchandise is not defective, a 50% restocking fee will be applied to the product’s purchase price. Products that are damaged scratched, dented, or have visible wear & tear will not be accepted. Any other damage caused by mistreatment or misuse of the product will NOT be accepted nor discarded without any credit being issued back to you.
Note: If you believe your product is defective after seven days of delivery, please contact the manufacturer for support.